termes techniques en programmation
Hors ligneCici Le 28/08/2014 à 12:26 Profil de Cici Configuration de Cici


j'ai du mal à traduire le texte qui suis en français car trop de termes techniques. Je vous remercie par avance pour l'aide.

DUNE, the Distributed and Unified Numerics Environment, is a modular toolbox for solving partial differential equations with grid-based methods [1,2]. To quote from [19]: The underlying idea of DUNE is to create slim interfaces allowing an efficient use of legacy and/or new libraries. Modern C++ programming techniques enable very different implementations of the same concept (i.e. grids, solvers, . . .) using a common interface at a very low overhead. Thus DUNE ensures efficiency in scientific computations and supports high-performance computing applications. DUNE is based on the following main principles:
 Separation of data structures and algorithms by abstract interfaces.
 Efficient implementation of these interfaces using generic programming techniques.
 Reuse of existing finite element packages with a large body of

Hors ligneKoytlo2 Le 28/08/2014 à 22:26 Profil de Koytlo2 Configuration de Koytlo2

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